NUTCAP works as a clinical placement for nursing students undertaking the BSc Hons Nursing degree. Within an identified health or social care setting, nursing students attend a 10-13-week supernumerary placement. Throughout the course of the project, the nursing students attend weekly meetings with their assigned project leaders who acts as practice assessor/supervisor, as they work alongside staff to identify the barriers and supports for  nutritional care, complete audits in their allocated clinical areas to identify the nutritional issues, recognise good practice, and identify cost effective interventions yo address concerns that are raised. 

  • The project uses a participatory action research methodology to understand and explore the nutritional issues within a specific sector or population group.
  • Students undertake training on nutritional screening, and clinical audits.
  • Students complete scoping literature reviews and critically appraise the evidence

The audit tool is based on the The Canadian Malnutrition Task Force More-2-eat validated tool developed for a national survey  to understand  current practices around malnutrition in Canadian hospitals. The tool captures Age, the reason for admission weight, BMI, MUST screening tool completion, food and fluid charts Using the Mealtime Audit Tool (MAT) (CMTF 2015), non-participant observations of the general wards were recorded to monitor meal times. Patient documentation was further reviewed and the data was collected between November 2021 and July 2022.

Please see the attached QR code for the NUTCAP Audit 2023-2024:
The NUTCAP Audit 2023- 2024 is based on Canada’s More-2-Eat implementation project. The more-2-Eat project explores how to improve the nutrition culture in Canadian hospitals.


Age concern (2006) ‘Hungry to be heard’ Available at: Comment/Hungry_to_be_Heard.pdf (Accessed: 1 March 2024).

Bapen (2017) ‘Malnutrition’ Available at: (Accessed: 1 March 2024).

Canadian malnutrition task force (2022) ‘ National Survey of Current Malnutrition Practices in Canadian Hospitals 2022’ Available at: (Accessed: 28 February 2024).

Naithani, S., et al. (2008) ‘Hospital inpatients’ experiences of access to food: a qualitative interview and observational study’, Health Expectations, 11(3), pp.294-303

Osmosis by Elsevier (2024) ‘Malnutrition’ Available at: (Accessed: 1 March 2024).

Ostrowska, J., et al (2021) ‘Hospital malnutrition, nutritional risk factors, and elements of nutritional care in Europe: comparison of polish results with all European countries participating in the nDay survey’. Nutrients13(1), pp.263.

Roberts, S., et al. (2019) ‘Improving nutrition care, delivery, and intakes among hospitalised patients: a mixed methods, integrated knowledge translation study’, Nutrients11(6), pp.1417.



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