
If you are visiting this page, then I imagine you are worried about your numeracy skills. You are not alone, there are many people who struggle, but the good news is there is a huge amount of resources available to help you. In this area, we have included a few and once you are enrolled on the course there will be others maths skills hub for nursing.

If you are not feeling confident with maths, a good starting point could be with the National Numeracy website, you can assess your numeracy skills. If you need to develop your numeracy skills, you can take the numeracy challenge.

Click here to visit the website Home | National Numeracy

The BBC has some nice resources for Maths for adults – BBC Teach

Free resources

Within this area, I have included links to some free resources. This is not a definitive list, but a starting point. If you find learning resources that others might benefit from, please do let us know and we will add the link for others to access.

London Middlesex University has produced a handy nursing calculations workbook that covers some simple metric conversions, giving the correct dose of medication for tablets or injections, and much more.

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has created materials that highlight safety in numbers. The site walks you through learning resources that nurses need in their daily work.

  • Safety in numbers
  • Maths matter
  • Tackling number problems
  • Estimation
  • Metric (SI) units
  • Dosage for solid medications
  • Dosage for liquid medicines
  • Flow rate and IV drugs

You can access the RCN’s materials via this link

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