May 30

My final day in Higher Education

I am always reluctant to do goodbye posts, mainly because I often end up returning. But this time feels different – and that’s worth exploring.

Today is my final day working in a university. And I withdrew my acceptance to study a Masters earlier this year, so this is the first time in the past five years where I have not been connected to higher education in some way (either as an applicant, student or staff member). It feels sad to be leaving, but I feel ready to let go! The change feels like it was meant to be. My passion is driving me; I’m happy and I’m thankful to the route that brought me here.

I am excited about my new role.

May 29

Is it weird I’m going to miss my desk?

I sat eating lunch today (yes! I took a break) and it suddenly dawned on me that I am going to miss my desk. I have my own office that I share with a colleague. My colleague does a lot of remote working so I am pretty much alone two days a week. I have my own space and a pretty swish desk.

My desk at Canterbury Christ Church University

My desk at Canterbury Christ Church University

I mean, look at it! I am so proud of it that I put some hooks up on the legs so my charging cable and headphones don’t make as much mess.

This is the type of desk I imagined sitting at in my forties, wearing a knitted tank top and gazing out the window. I’ll miss you desk. You are beautiful.