Digital Fabrication Development

Reflection and Evaluation

Upon reflection, this module has been immensely productive as I have learnt many new skills, have been enabled to use complex software and have gained a vast amount of knowledge in different Digital Fabrication methods. I have genuinely really enjoyed learning new practical skills and more about coding, I only wish that this was a longer module so that I could have some more time to understand a few things a bit better. Throughout, I have really appreciated the sense of teamwork between the group as we all asked each other questions and helped each other out, whilst maintaining our environment as best as we could by cleaning up and putting things back where they were supposed to go. I really enjoyed the soldering as I had done some before but had forgotten all the tips and tricks to make it neat and to get good joints. Another thing I enjoyed was the 3D scanning and learning about the different types of 3D printing- this is something I would definitely like to take forward in my own work as the process was relatively simple and you could make far more incredible structures and details then I had previously thought you could produce with this type of technology. The only module I really struggled with was using the Eagle software, as I understood the basics of the components but found the software tricky to use, however I combatted this by watching tutorials on how to use the software online which helped greatly with the way I used Eagle. Although this did not completely clear up my confusion, it helped a lot with getting the work done and improving my knowledge where I could. I think overall my documentation could have been a little bit more detailed, however I tried to use it more as notes for myself rather than only an assessment, hence why some things are in great detail, and others that I tended to understand better were a tiny bit more loose. During the module I mainly used blog drafts so that in the weeks that I had little time to focus on this module due to my main course deadlines, I could go back and add bits in at a later date (hence why many of the posts were published much later), this really helped me to understand the work as it gave me more time to reflect upon what I had learnt and enabled me to  complete some assignments a little later after I had fully understood the underlying theory and basics of the digital fabrication methods. In conclusion, I think I have gained a good understanding of a variety of Digital fabrication methods and have been inspired to continue to learn about these methods in greater detail out of pure curiosity. Due to the processes of digital fabrication developing incredibly fast as an industry, I have no doubt that it will be difficult to keep up with, however with its development will also come better methods of making and easier, more attainable processes for the general population to use as well.

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Reflection and Evaluation

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