The micro:bit is a physical computing system. Therefore there is a strong correlation to the Computing Programmes of study as the first Key Stage 2 bullet point details that pupils should be taught to write and debug programs which include controlling or simulating a physical system. This is exactly what is achieved with the micro:bit and scratch activity because it allows a child to code using algorithms, sequences, selection and repetitions to use the micro:bit as an input and output device.

The micro:bit and scratch also meets some of the requirements for Key Stage 1 as it provides children with the opportunity to use their logical reasoning to predict behaviour of simple programs which will be explored in the Micro:bit Activities section of this website. The activities will also include a fun debugging activity to support the children being taught to debug programs.

The micro:bit can be very cross curriculur; for example with design and technology. Within design and technology the students could design a case for the micro:bit this could fit with the theme of a game or the class topic.

Another way the micro:bit is cross curricular is with mathematics, this is demonstrated through the connection of graphs and different axis with the micro:bit’s accelerometer.


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