Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

MSc/PGDip/PGCert MSK physiotherapy: University of Brighton


Course Team

We would like to introduce you to the course team.

Dr Clair Hebron

Hello. I am course leader for the MSK physiotherapy and a principal lecturer at the University of Brighton. As part of my role I work clinically at the ‘Physiotherapy at the Leaf’ clinic. I qualified as a Physiotherapist in 1991 and worked in the NHS for many years before becoming a lecturer-practitioner and then a full-time lecturer. I completed an MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy in 2002 and in 2014 a PhD entitled ‘The Biomechanical and Analgesic effects of Lumbar Mobilisations’. I have been a full member of the Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MACP) since 1999.

My areas of research interest include low back pain, the effects of treatment dosage, health promotion, exercise prescription, and phenomenological research exploring the experience of physiotherapists and people receiving care.

I started using social media a few years ago for professional reasons (although I am very resistant to use it socially…I prefer talking to people in person). I am currently social media editor for Musculoskeletal Science and Practice journal. I was a member of the MACP executive committee from 2008-2014 and had a number of roles including secretary, vice–chair of the Committee for Educational Approval (a sub-committee of the MACP that ensures that all UK routes to membership adhere to the educational standards of the International Federation of Manipulative

Physical Therapists (IFOMPT). I was also the UK representative for IFOMPT and from 2012-2014 Chair of the MACP.

I am married with three teenage children and a dog called Yogi (you can see us all eating fish and chips on the beach). I enjoy sailing, running (…perhaps I don’t enjoy running but I am addicted to it) and exploring the world with my kids in tow.


Dr Colette Ridehalgh

Hello, I am a senior lecturer within the School of Health Sciences. I teach MSK Physiotherapy at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. I worked clinically in London and Brighton before becoming a lecturer here at Brighton.

My research interests are around nerve related pain disorders, particularly spinally referred leg pain. I completed my PhD in 2014 entitled : “Straight Leg Raise treatment for individuals with spinally referred leg pain: exploring characteristics that influence outcome”. I am currently interested in investigating  different pain mechanisms in patients with spinally referred pain, and on validity of neurological integrity testing.

I have previously been on the Executive Committee of the MACP as secretary. I am currently on the International advisory board for Musculoskeletal Science and Practice Journal, and regularly review articles for this journal, Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, Clinical Biomechanics and Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical therapy Journals, as well as IFOMPT and WCPT conferences.

Outside of work I am married with two children, a mad dog and a love of Musical Theatre. In my latest role, I played wing governor Helen Stewart in Bad Girls at the Old Market in Hove, with Brighton Theatre Group.

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