Seasons Greetings!

Guess what – it’s that time of year!  We had a lovely session with Janet, Sue, Rebecca, Margaret, Donald, Peter & Susan at the Abbeyfield’s residential care home in Bognor Regis. Hot mini mince pies and christmas decorations got us in the festive spirit, spurring  interesting conversations that stemmed from the topic of daily chores and war rations – blackberry picking, rabbit skinning, lamp-chops wrapped in paper, taking apart domestic radios and the first electrical appliances like refridgerators!  Coming up to the season of consumerism and gift-giving, when the ‘vintage’ aesthetic is again on trend it was interesting to contemplate the simple pleasure people took in daily tasks as well as the very necessary importance of a ‘make-do-and-mend’ ethos that kept everyday lives going..

Christmas at Abbeyfields Residential Care Home, Bognor Regis

We realize that everyone will be rushing around getting ready for the coming festivities and so after several weeks of reminiscence and training sessions we will be resuming our activities in the New Year.  We will let you know as soon as we can what will be happening, but in the meantime rest assured we will not be idle. Also a little whisper whilst you are meeting with old family members and friends over the festival period see if you can recruit some more interviewees! Christmas is always a good way to get people talking about the good old days!

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