6 Reasons You Need Influencer Marketing

The times are a’ changing. Technology has reshaped the way brands interact with their audiences and in doing so, redefined what’s effective. As people become ever more resistant to interruptive advertising practices, brands have had to find new ways to reach their audiences. Like influencer marketing. In the past several years, influencer marketing has boomed….

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5 Things You Need to Know Before You Run an Influencer Marketing Campaign

So you’ve heard the buzz about influencer marketing and have decided to run your first campaign with content creators? Great! But there’s only one problem… what do you do now? Influencer marketing is one of the most effective ways to engage your audience and reach your goals. But if you’ve never run a campaign before,…

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5 Helpful Tips For Brands Working With Influencers

One of the common questions we get from brands is “how do I work with creators?” In what is still a relatively new industry, the specifics of how to best work with creators aren’t always so clear. One thing is for sure, the more effectively you can work with creators the greater your chance of…

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‘If You Can’t Measure It, You Can’t Improve It’- How to measure the success Linkedin ads is having for your B2B Company.

‘LinkedIn is a social network that targets professionals’ (Mihalcea and Savulesca, 2013). So it is no surprise that integrating this platform into a B2B’s marketing strategy would be valuable as it allows marketers with ‘the possibility to interact with professionals from important fields of interest and to establish business relationships’ (Schaffer, 2011). Consequently, it is…

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It pays to be seen! The advantages and risks of using paid social advertising for your B2B Company.

Ok so we now know the benefits that creating and sharing content over social media can have for a business to business company (as I am sure you have read my previous blog post located here!). But while social media can be a great way of disseminating information there is absolutely NO guarantee that this…

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How social media can build brand awareness and drive sales for B2B companies

It is no secret that for a company, having an effective social media strategy can massively contribute towards its success with the likes of Scentbird achieving a monthly retuning revenue of 75,000 dollars with a marketing budget of just ZERO. But with many business to consumer companies tapping in to the phenomenon of social media…

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3 simple ways to know you are successfully #slaying your influencer marketing campaigns

Digital marketing spend will near to $120 billion in the US alone by 2021 says Forbes. Digital is not such a new concept these days however this rapidly changing space is something that organisations need to keep up with if they are to stand a chance of success. Dave Chaffey laid out 6 channels of…

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Transferwise- A simple end to the cost of exchanging money

Transferwise has said to be on track for £100 billion in revenue in 2017 and is profiltable a mere 6 years after being founded. So how has this ‘money without borders’ concept become so succesful? The obvious point is to state that the idea itself is close to genius- thought up by two friends from…

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How SKY used The Game of Thrones to skyrocket their brands awareness

  With the rapid rise of social media usage across the globe it’s no wonder that every competitive brand is jumping on the social media marketing bandwagon with companies and advertising agencies now under increasing pressure to come up with more ‘out of the box’ marketing campaigns. And with the help of Brandwatch and DBB…

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