Reflective Summary of Digital Marketing Module

The digital marketing module has introduced me to Blogging when before it has never crossed my mind at all. It is a valuable skill that I can use in the future to my interest and with all the information used, I can accurately perform well and release a well thought out blog.

Blogging throughout the semester has increased my understanding of certain themes within the module such as how impactful blogging is in the real world and how it can generate waves when used with relevance and how it can affect the reader. Now that I have the knowledge and skill of how to blog, I can use that to my advantage as a digital marketing skill. Depending on the subject I am blogging about, it can bring many views for example, if I am writing a blog about a specific feature within a new app, it can be impactful in the sense that people can read the blog and have a better understanding or learn something new very easily and quickly.

In this module, I have learned many topics from how to manage a website to bring more customers to a better understanding of the future of Artificial/Augmented/Virtual Reality and Intelligence with the shopping experience. They can be used to implement new ideas and ways to make it easier for a consumer to purchase products and services.

One topic which was very memorable was on how Virtual Reality can be used to sell services such as holiday packages and travel, this was very interesting to me because I have some background knowledge to the whole VR world and experience to back it up.

Website Monthly Plan Comparison Infographic Template

The second part of the module was all about how companies can increase the performance of digital marketing with the given tools and how they can generate more sales and customers, including customer returns. This was interesting to me as it is a new topic introduced to me and there was a ton of valuable information for me to use both from the lectures and seminars and from the internet, granted it is all referenced and used appropriately.

I was taught how to monitor website performance, how to increase the performance, which tools to use in order to effectively market whatever products online through social media and the internet across all platforms.

I can confidently say that I can use all these methods and experiences in my career in the future to my advantage.

Using an infographic to relay information was very interesting since there was so much information to be used but the whole point of an infographic is to make it short but understandable. Learning how to make an infographic using the SOSTAC method was something new, granted it was difficult, it was understandable due to the all the themes and topics covered during the lectures and seminars.

From the module as a whole, I can say that both themes that were taught to me can be used in tandem since understanding how to monitor online marketing performance and making it more successful can be used with the future upcoming technology such as VR, AR and AI. These will be the next “big hit” and being able to use what I have been taught and implementing it will be a very useful skill to have in the Digital Marketing world.

Supernatural VR Makes Working Out More Accessible Than Ever | WIRED UK

With all good things, here comes the not so good parts.

With the first part of the module about the future of digital marketing using all those newer reality altering technology, there was not enough information online since it is a much more recent discovery and there is not enough direct academic sources which are in relation to the topic. This was particularly frustrating since trying to find accurate sources was difficult due to the lack of information that is usable. For example, from an entire journal article, there was only one paragraph that can be used in relation to the theme given.

Another part which got me in a tricky situation was about the VR part of the module and assignment. I had lots of information from experience which I had to back up and find sources that I can use and reference that directly gave the information that I had already known and done, but with lots of thinking and planning, I found a way around it.

Overall the Digital Marketing Module was really interesting and I have gained some experience and lots of knowledge on how the Digital Marketing world works. I can confidently say, I will be implementing these methods in the future for my gain.

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