Home X – Site Storage

Site Storage – 05/04/2022

Figure 8: Ground storage (Ladbrooke, 2022).

Home X is a relatively small site so storage of materials and equipment is very limited. The location of some materials and equipment is located on site on ground level. The equipment here is things needed on site such as a generator and dumper, along with a cement bucket. These are expensive items and need to be protected hence why they are gated off from the public. Furthermore, especially being across the road to university accommodation students may take advantage of the equipment if they are under the influence. By gating off the materials it stops trespassers from stealing high valuable items and materials. Other materials are stored here also.

Figure 9: Top floor storage (Ladbrooke, 2022).

Storage for items is also placed in and on top of the skeleton of Home X. By doing this it ensures that valuable materials and equipment is out of the way from the public. However, they would needed to be covered in protective sheeting from the elements or they could be ruined and not fit for use. Furthermore, there are ledges built on the scaffolding that holds wooden pallets.