

Gaming can be fun and exciting. You can play games on websites like MyMaths at school or you can play online games at home. Many games online are multiplayer where you can play with lots of people at the same time.

When you play online with other people, it is important that you keep your identity private. This means not using your real name as your user name and also not sharing you age or address with anyone. By doing this you limit the amount of real information people online have about you and you can stay anonymous.

You can help your friends to stay safe too when gaming online by using nicknames or usernames instead of real names and also by not passing on any of their personal information to anyone.


Sometimes, when you are online, you may find other users are not always kind. Griefing, or messing up another players games on purpose, is mean and annoying. If someone is doing this, you can block them and you should be able to report them to the game provider of you want to.

It is a good idea to tell a trusted adult if you are having problems with someone online. Do not put up with someone trying to spoil your gaming fun but try not to be tempted to do the same back to them. You could end up in trouble or even get banned from the game.

On some games there are options to buy extras and sometimes you might be offered free downloads from other players. It can be tempting to accept downloads but you should not accept anything from someone you do not know as it could contain malware.

Also, always check with the person who pays the bill at home before buying extras as you could be charged more than you expect!


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