Workshop and Symposium Resources

On this page you will find the handouts that we provide at our workshops.  We provide 2 different kinds of workshop, details of which you will find below.

MEI Workshop 1 – Making your data shine 

This workshop supports groups to build a data strategy based on their organisational values and provides an overview of the tools that are currently available to groups for measuring impact.  A list of the tools covered with links to relevant websites is in our resource list below.

MEI Workshop 1 – websites tools and resources

MEI Workshop 2 – One-off encounters

On the basis of feedback from our first workshop we designed this hands-on session that looks specifically at the issue of how to collect meaningful data from short interventions or ‘one-off’ encounters with people seeking support.

The handout below sets out 6 steps designed to help groups communicate the importance of contact points or encounters to funders and some practical ideas for ensuring contact points with people seeking support are not over-burdened with data collection.

MEI Workshop 2 One-off Encounter Handout

In this workshop we recommend an exercise in which frontline workersdescribe a significant place and time in which people seeking support make contact with their organisation.  They describe the encounter as a process and from the person seeking support’s point of view.  Below is an example we use in the workshop.

Case Study – Short interventions

Most Significant Change

We have recently been recommending the use of the Most Significant Change approach to collecting data from the beneficiaries of a programme of support.  This approach provides a basis for richer understanding of programme outcomes, as experienced by the people participating and benefitting from them and is easily communicated across teams.

Most Significant Change – Full Guide

Most Significant Change – Two Page Summary

MEI Symposium #1

Full programme

MEI Symposium #2

MEI symposium programme 2016

MEI Symposium #3

MEI#3 Symposium Full Programme 2018


1_Mary Intro MEI#3

2_Clair Rowe Impetus_Community Navigation MEI#3

3_Sofie Franzen_The Bridge MEI

4_Emma McDermott Communities and Third Sector Commission MEI#3

5_Jo Rogers Fulfilling Lives MEI#3

6_April Baker and Carl Walker MEI#3 

7_GDPR Meets MEI

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