
Selecting the Parts


All parts used for the creation of stash. are existing products on the market and have passed safety regulations in order to be sold in the UK.




High-Grade Steel Ceiling Brackets

The ceiling brackets.


These high-grade steel ceiling brackets have been selected to fix the pulleys to the ceiling because they have an industrial, heavy duty aesthetic and are specified to hold up to 100kg each. This means they are able to withstand the weight of the average over-weight male in the UK, and therefore, they meet the specification requirements. These brackets are intended to hold boxing bags, meaning that they are dependable and resilient. It has become apparent that these brackets need to have these strong characteristics as they are the component that attaches the product to the ceiling. These strong characteristics make for a part that is safe to use within a public environment.



Stainless Steel Single Pulley Wheels

The pulley wheels.


The stainless steel pulley wheels are strong, durable and trustworthy. They are each specified to hold 150kg, meaning that they meet the product specification that states that the product should hold over the weight of the average over-weight male human (UK). This is in case the product is misused by users. It is crucial that the pulley wheels meet the weight specification in order to avoid the product breaking and potentially causing injury to users.

Also, the pulley wheel looks aesthetically strong and industrial, meaning that users will instantly feel trust in the product. The stainless steel material is one that has hard-wearing, long-lasting characteristics.



Natural Hemp Rope

The rope.


Natural hemp rope (12mm) is being used as it withstands the weight specified; it provides a strong grip and fits within the product’s industrial aesthetic. The hemp rope is specified to hold up to 1000kg, meaning that it majorly surpasses the weight specification. In addition, the rope feels durable to the touch and does not produce too much friction when passing through the pulley wheels. However, users will have to be aware releasing the rope through their hands too quickly. In this situation, high friction and heat could occur, causing rope burn.

It has become apparent that this natural hemp rope may fray at the ends over time due to overuse. To get over this, the rope will have a durable, resilient knot at the point of contact, preventing any heavy fraying as well as providing a secure contact point for the user’s hands.



Galvanised Steel Screw Lock Carabiner 

The knot and carabiner.


stash. uses a galvanised steel screw lock carabiner to attach the user’s bag to the rope. This is because it is specified to hold 400kg of load. Plus, in the hands, the carabiner feels reliable and dependable, meaning that the user will immediately trust the part. Also, the screw locking mechanism provides a further sense of security as the user has to fasten the carabiner shut themselves. This process adds to the trust and security because the user knows that their things cannot simply be snatched from the carabiner. The carabiner provides permanence.

The knot is tied in this particular way in order to provide visual symmetry with the carabiner. The bulky knot is looks and is strong, meaning that the user will have trust in it.

At this end of the rope, fraying is welcome, as long as it does not effect the knot that connects the rope to the carabiner. If this knot is affected then it will be re-tied, providing a secure attachment once again.


Instruction Manual

Following existing product instructions for research.


Instruction Manual Link: stash. instructions

An instruction manual has been created so that the customer (coffee shop owner) is able to install stash. themselves with ease. The process of installation is intended to be as simple as possible. To test this, the designer has explored and followed existing product instructions in order to build the product, as well as following the stash. installation instructions. Comparisons between both existing instruction manuals and stash. instructions manuals have been used to create an improved set of stash. instructions. The stash. installation instruction manual has proven to be simple, clear and easy to follow.



Manufacturing Process

stash. manufacturing process brings various existing parts together to create an assembly of a new product. This gives the individual parts added value and provides new meaning. These existing parts are purchased in bulk and stored in a warehouse. The parts are then retrieved and packaged when stash. is purchased. The use of existing parts means that there is no machinery needed to produce stash., meaning that the company has zero production overheads, bringing manufacturing costs down.




stash. package assembly process:





Product Costing

stash. is a package that is created using existing parts. Below shows the Bill of Materials for the purchasing of each individual part to create one product, as well as a bulk purchase that the company would initially make to create 100 products. Also, the cost of packaging that is used to contain the product when it is sold has been calculated and the Bill of Materials is shown below.


Single stash. Package Bill of Materials:



stash. Parts Bulk Purchase – creates 100 products:



stash. Packaging Bill of Materials – selling the initial goal of 100 products:


After the initial goal of selling 100 stash. products is reached, more parts will be purchased in bulk. The amount of which will be purchased will depend upon how well the initial sales pan out.


The material cost to produce a single stash. product, including packaging is £74.95.

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