Curriculum resources in primary mathematics

Mapping the landscape of textbook and curriculum resource use in primary mathematics



Final report published

We are delighted to announce that the Final Report from this project has now been published. You can access it from this website, or through this direct link: The Prevalence and Use of Textbooks and Curriculum Resources in Primary Mathematics… Continue Reading →

Interviews are underway

The third phase of data collection began in October 2022 with the start of interviews with primary maths subject leaders drawn from across England. These interviews will continue into December 2022. If you would like to take part please email… Continue Reading →

Survey 2 goes live

The second survey was recently distributed through TeacherTapp reaching primary class teachers across the country. Results will shortly be available and will add to the data set already available through survey 1.

Conference presentations

The research team presented interim findings from survey 1 at the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM) Day conference on 5th March 2022. A paper has also been accepted for presentation at the BERA (British Educational Research Association)… Continue Reading →

Survey live from 29th November

On Monday 29th November the England wide textbook and curriculum resource survey was sent to all 17000 primary schools in England and is now open for responses. If you are a maths subject lead please look out for information about… Continue Reading →

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