The advisory group for this project was comprised of senior professionals working across the mathematics education field. This group enabled the project team to draw on diverse experience and expertise in ensuring the project was rigorously and thoroughly planned and executed.

Current advisory group members and their professional affiliations are as follows:

Andrew Ash, Cheshire and Wirral Maths Hub Lead  

Prof Mark Boylan, Sheffield Hallam University  

Adam Butterworth-Drury, Head teacher, Alderman Pounder Infant and Nursery School  

Dr. Jennie Golding, Associate Professor, University College London  

Helen Hackett, Teaching for Mastery lead, Central Maths Hub  

Matthew Stanlake, Pre-16 Maths Policy Advisor, STEM Education Division, Department for Education  

Ruth Maisey, Programme head, Education, Nuffield Foundation  

Lindsay Nadin, Director Primary & Direct to Learner, UK Schools, Pearson 

Dr. Marc North, Senior Research Fellow, University of Nottingham  

Dr. Michael Wilson, Research Communications, University of Brighton