An Archive of my Time at University
It’s nice to reflect on my time at university given the slightly demotivating time were in, and it’s also nice to be able to see how much you’ve improved when looking at all the images you’ve taken in four years, side by side.
Although I was never going to produce my best work in my first year, I can see the starts of the development of my style of photography already, although it was a skill I had little knowledge of and practice in then. I had started to experiment with 35mm film photography for the first time and started to discover that I really liked black and white film. I think my favorite images are definitely the grainer leg ones as they stand out the most from the others and show a more developed personal style than the rest.
I like my second year work far more and believe that some of the shoots are some of the best work I have produced. I started to get a lot more confident with film photography and moved past 35mm to medium format, producing much more detailed images which I would blow up much bigger and fine-tune my knowledge with depth of field. I also started to research a lot more photographers, especially the more iconic ones from the 60, 70s and 80s which gave me a greater knowledge of styles and subject matters that I had in first year.
My final year work is definitely the most professional and conceptual work I have produced since my time at uni. My projects are a lot more solid in the way they tie together and I have still been able to further experiment with techniques and subject matters. Although my work could still potentially be more commercial as sometimes my shoots can be a little abstract.