My Portfolio!
I went with what I would call a magazine portfolio for my final outcome as it’s what had been recommended to me, and what was best considering the revised submission. It can also be translated as a box portfolio as per the original submission as it still shows the selection of images I would have chosen and their order.
The cover of my folio is the most magazine-y aspect of it, as it features my most graphic image which would otherwise not have made it inside the folio, and my designed logo. I chose the cover image as I thought it was bold, showed my photographic style and affinity for film photography, and also because it makes my logo stand out well without detracting from the image.
The layout I chose inside is however, far from the magazine portfolio research I looked into. Even for my magazine I decided to stick to the tradition portfolio layout as it’s just a preference I have. When selecting my final photographs, I also found that a lot all of them were portrait so I found my portfolio would work better in portrait rather than landscape when displaying my images. I did take on board the need to break up your portfolio somehow by having a couple of double spreads or some text here and there. I decided to split my portfolio into colour and black and white so that clients can be directed to what their most interested in. At the moment I also have a lot more black and white work than colour and I didn’t want that to be the focus of my portfolio. In the divided between black and white I decided to add some text and then use that space to have an almost double spread, landscape image as a way of displaying the two landscape images I had to their best advantage.
I also added titles to each series of images, honestly this was a decision I made only because it is an element in our uni handbook. When printing my final folio, I don’t think I’d want to include them, purely from the fact I haven’t seen titles in any photographers’ portfolios I have been shown before.
You can also go to issu – – to view my physical portfolio yourself.
Below is the Mixam file for the portfolio I printed. It isn’t the exact same as my final submission in Turnitin so it shouldn’t be viewed as my final product, I just like the way it’s an interactive way of looking at it.