My Own Website!
Website Link –
I had fun designing my website, the core of it was already done from second year when I had decided the theme already – being the grid of images as the home page and the navigation bar at the side. I decided not to change this as it works well and I think it looks nice. To start I edited out a few of the image series I had included of first-year work which wasn’t up to scratch and didn’t reflect my abilities now, and then I added more series of recent research projects and finished FMP shoots. I also added my logo to the corner so that my branding is on everything possible and is as consistent as possible. Lastly, I added my LinkedIn account to the contacts at the bottom which is something I have only recently signed up to.
Overall I’m very happy with my website and I think it looks good when you click on the link. I’ve also checked that it formats well on a few different devices, and it does! so hopefully that will keep it looking professional no matter how people view it.