Maria Dowsett

Fashion Communication at the University of Brighton


Daks London is proud to introduce new brand UNITE. UNITE is Daks’ first sub brand fundamentally produced to introduce a younger market to the Daks brand. For a long time Daks has only been targeted at the traditional middle-aged, upper class man and women. The original silhouettes are very classic straight cut and professional. UNITE has now been introduced to counteract that and considerably widen appeal. UNITE introduces modern silhouettes of slim fit, bodycon and high waists while still using tailoring at the forefront of its designs to ease in a younger market in. It has more basic patterns but bright and bold colours for easy and effortless styling while still being appropriate for a professional and everyday environment.

UNITE encapsulates all of Daks’ original brand values of heritage, tailoring, quality and customer loyalty. It plays upon its heritage by introducing the idea of politics between nations. Politics is an extremely prominent part of today’s society especially with American and Russian ties as well as the repercussions of Brexit, so this produces a perfect subject to interest young people into the brand in a proactive way. UNITE is strongly influenced by the abstract art of the Russian Revolution, as showcased at the Royal Academy of Arts in early 2017. The sub-brand uses bold shapes and lines, block colours and well compositioned pieces, all taken from the works of Kandinsky and Malevich to compromise a stylish and put together range of clothing and promotional visuals. Patriotism is another key identity within UNITE’s branding, it seeks to attract the patriotic British customer and appreciate Daks’ roots. The main colour palette of UNITE is royal and abstract colours of red, blue, purple, yellow and white, all tying both British and Russian aspects in an act of unity.

The new UNITE sub-brand will be strongly promoted on social media as currently Daks relies more on word of mouth and customer loyalty. Social media will also reach further with the targeted younger audience. Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts will all be set up with strong visual merchandising and promotion to make a memorable and ‘instagrammable’ display that young people can latch onto and share within their community. Daks’ flagship London store will have a large section dedicated to UNITE which will be used as its base of all promotions and events. This will also help the global market mainly in China and Japan as foreign consumers will love the modern but stylish British fashion. UNITE will have its own website which will be promoted as its main source of commercialism and will advertise its brand values as the forefront of the website to gain interest in UNITE as well as main brand Daks. This will help Daks gain more customers as a secondary brand to UNITE.

At the moment UNITE only has a women’s collection but plans to expand into a menswear collection once the brand has gained more interest. It also plans to use celebrity endorsements at fashion week and at large scale events to help promote the brand within the mainstream media.

Maria Dowsett • May 7, 2017

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