Maria Dowsett

Fashion Communication at the University of Brighton

Mark’s Tutorials – Laser Cutting

For my laser cutting I want to cut the title of my zine out of the front cover so that it partially reveals the next page. My template:

Martha’s Tutorials

Martha’s Tutorials have really helped me with typography as I wasn’t aware that there are so many things you need to consider when designing any kind of graphics or publication. Learning about balance, heirarchy, alignment, contrast and repetition has made me more concious when i am designing and has made my graphics look a lot…

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Mark’s Tutorials – Animation

We learnt how to make proper photoshop GIFS in Marks tutorial the other day which was really helpful as I’ve only ever made them on website software which is less customisable and has a lower quality. They’re quite basic but I’ve incourperated some illustration into them to make them more visually appealing. My Animations:  


I have been looking at artist Jindrich Štyrský to inspire my collages as i like their simplicity but still find them intersting to look at.řich_Štyrský These are my own interpretations:

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