The Malagiri School

A wood full of bluebells

It’s bluebell time

Continuing on her quest, committee member Lorraine Harrison walked 213km in May, donating £1 for every kilometre she walked. Lorraine said: “The most striking walk this month was the sight of a wonderful carpet of bluebells in Angmering woods. I am still amazed at what nature has to offer – and how much there is…

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Radio Sussex logo

Radio Sussex interview

Malagiri committee members Lorraine Harrison and Pippa Totraku were interviewed on Radio Sussex yesterday, 16 May, chatting about the school’s history, the 10th anniversary and the current Covid-19 situation. The show is available to listen to until 14 June – scroll to 3 hours and 44 minutes. Listen to the interview.

the children waving outside the school

Malagiri 10-year anniversary impact report

We are delighted to share a report with you that has been compiled to mark the Malagiri School’s 10th anniversary. The school was opened in April 2011, offering the village children an education for the very first time. 64 children now attend and 71 former pupils are continuing their education in schools nearby. This is…

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a sheep with its lamb

Spring has sprung!

Lorraine is now a third of the way through her year-long walking and fundraising challenge, and last month walked further than ever before: “April has been a great month and I have managed to walk a total of 248km. “Given the serious situation in Nepal at the moment, my decision to raise money for the…

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the children drying their feet in the sun

Latest update from the school

A happy healthy start to the day at school for the children of Malagiri. They had fun washing their feet and shoes before relaxing in the sun to dry them. And all of this before breakfast! Sadly the spread of Covid-19 is increasing fast in Nepal and the government has decided that educational establishments must…

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a map showing the parcel's journey

A treasured parcel arrives

A parcel has safely made its way from West St Leonards Primary Academy in East Sussex to the Malagiri School. The treasured parcel travelled over 4,000 miles and contained the children’s self-portraits which we shared on the blog a couple of weeks back. The Malagiri children were so excited and pleased to receive the package…

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a view of Petworth Park

My walking diary

Lorraine Harrison reflects on month three of her year-long walking fundraiser for Malagiri: “This month, I have walked just over 230km and so, I have made a  donation of £23 in support of the Malagiri school. “Over the last few days, I have definitely had a spring in my step. Lifting the ‘stay at home’…

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children holding their fingers to their eyes like glasses

The photos say it all!

What fabulous photos of the nursery children looking so happy and relaxed with their teachers. After enjoying a school breakfast they were ready to have fun and learn.  

a Malagiri pupil's self-portrait

Exchanging self-portraits

As part of our newly formed links with West St Leonards Primary Academy children from both schools have exchanged self-portraits. Year 3 pupils from West St Leonards Primary Academy created outlines of their heads using a bike light to form a shadow outline which they then drew around. Inside the outline they then drew some…

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Lorraine sitting under a tree in the snow

February walking

We reported in a story last month Lorraine’s self-set challenge to increase her mileage and donate to the Malagiri School. She said: “February has been an interesting and varied month for walking. “I have experienced snow and ice, followed by lots of rain and ended with three amazing walks in glorious sunshine. “Here’s to March!” Lorraine…

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