We had mockup presentation on Tuesday, however i’m quite busy with finishing the layout for the magazine so i couldn’t prepare the presentation carefully. Josie sent me her articles on Friday 13th so it’s very late compare to other group. I also have parttime job at the weekend so i don’t have much time to prepare it. One the day, only me and Pearl presented so it quite short and less than 10 minutes. We will have to wait for Josie comeback to practice.
I took 3 roles in this project however I will try to make them not to long. Chris gave us some feedback about how we should present and try to keep the slide slower. I will have to make the gif at the beginning longer so we can try to introduce our magazine while it running.
At this stage i still finalise the Indesign layout because we still wait for 2 more illustration from other illustration/fine art student. However on Friday i finally can make a test print. Unfortunately we have to reformat the size of magazine from 29x29cm to 21x21cm as the price is too expensive and we quite late now so we don’t have much choice in printing service. My priority now is just to have one final print to submit then we can care about printing to sell later.
The printing really stress me out because only me in the group try to look for a printing service, i’ve called and emailed lots of places to ask but most of them refuse to print in big size or in square. I feel a bit regret to choose this size, but it does make my magazine stood out and it matches with the theme. I regret i haven’t done more research about printing before otherwise i will make the change of the size sooner. 0DFEFC26-4A0A-437B-8E8B-8FE0AAF59846
After the test print, i have to resize some text and the page number because they look too big compare to the size. The quality and images are quite nice, I also want to design a jacket for the magazine like the real vinyl. That probably easy to to as I will print in A3 and cut it out.