On Thurday 2 December, I did test shoot with Racheal- my classmate. Before, I explained her about my project my concept and showed her the styling board and posing board I made so she knew what I want. She tried the garment and I can attach other things when she worn it and adjusted the size
Here are the contact sheet of that day. I tested the lighting with my hand to change the camera settings. First few images I took in natural lights but I felt like it is not good enough. So I set up 2 light and the quality is much more better.
We have tried so many poses and angles. I haven’t made the props and the background yet so we only focused on the clothes and posing. We pick out some favorite pose which we will reuses in my final shoot.
I feel like communication is very important when do shooting, I need to explain to my model what I wish and I have to create an environment that my friend feel comfortable to pose. Luckily, I think we did that quite well.
I will need to create props for the final shoot which I booked the studio on 9 December.