On Monday, I had a short presentation in class about my project. As I shown in my slide, I want pastel colour theme but I do not have that much plastic in that colours so I just go with what I have. Tutor said I should do test shoot about background, tried with different plastic lens and do more striking poses.
I attached my ppt here
I used plastic bag and tie them together to see can I create a background. However, the colour of the plastic bags to not the same and they are not big enough to do what i want. And also they are not floating as I imagine since they are in different type of plastic so probably they weight different.
Therefore, I probably go with the idea using bubble wrap and hang it from the ceiling as they are longer and bigger and most important I have them in the same colour.
I tried the shoot through a hole in plastic bags and inside the bags. The results are amazing and I quite like them. I will do this and focus on the model.
I also tried taking photo through the plastic but it didn’t work as the plastic is thicker so the lens cannot work. However, I change to transparent plastic it worked quite well. It gave a foggy vibe, maybe it will look better in the studio with better lighting.
On the left is with the transparent plastic On the right is nothing