Week 4 Fashion photography & styling

On Monday, I had a chance to work in group and took photo using different lightings in studio. We learned about soft light and hard light, how to adjust the light box and the set up.

My camera cannot plug the light in therefore I tried but high ISO. However, this makes the photos grain and not clear

I also attended Lighting Workshop on Wednesday in order to tried more techniques which I wasn’t able to tried in group. Tutor Chris is very helpful, he showed me different way to set up the light. Also he gave me the flash which can be attached to my camera so that I can take the photo clearer. I now know how to adjust the ISO, Appeture on my camera to creature the photo i want.

This one is a bit too dark, I should lower the apperture to let more light in.

Testing the light with my hand to see which one is most suitable

For my Photoshoot I want white/bright background, therefore, I will try to set up the light bright enough to make the clothes stand out. I will want to try with black ground on my test shoot.

On Friday, i discussed my project ideas with tutor Racheal and I showed her my sketchbook. She gave my some feedbacks on which i should develop more. She also showed us the example of last year sketchbook and final outcomes. It helps me to know how I should organize my sketchbook and I should do more test shoot/test styling before doing my final shoot.


3rd Week fashion photography & styling

On Monday, I had a chance to know more photographers and analyze their works by breaking down details such as what is it mean, what technique. There are a range of aspects I should consider when looking at an image. I was given 3 names of stylists and I did research them on my sketchbook. In this lesson, I worked in group to analyze one image and researched another one. I understand more about Cindy Sherman and the meaning of her works.

On Friday, I went out for photoshoot with group. Our group decided the places and the accessories to achieve 3 requirements: Pattern, colour and posing. I was the model and this was an exciting experience to worked with 3 new friends. Here are our results

After this location shoot, I understand how location will affect the image and the mood. When doing photoshoot, it is essential to research the location in advance. We wanted to take photo in the book shelves but did not allowed by the owner, therefore, I think it is better to research about the location or might be book the place first. Also, there are many things in the location we went and we can tried different poses, patterns.

This is behind the scene that we took in the fabric shop

In the afternoon, we learned how to make collage from fabrics and old newspaper. This was also an interesting exercise as I had to think in advance how I want, and used the props on table to make it. I brought a tissue paper from my shoes box and wrapped it around. I tried to find the hands from other images to match with the model posing.

here is my result and I really like it. I love how the paper I folded like the fan in her hand

Overall this week was amazing, I got more knowledge about photographers and stylists. The use of paper to make dress inspired me to do my sustainable photoshoot with thrown away paper and old newspaper.

Fashion Photography & Styling week 2

This week I studied about camera exposure. I have used camera before and done some personal project, however, adjusting the aperture and ISO suitable with different light/place is harder than I expected. I also went to workshop on Wednesday with Chris Hargen to know how to use flash on camera when in the studio.

Left: Shallow depth of field: focus on the glasses

Right: Focus on the mask behind










Deeper depth of field: Everything in the photo is clear and in focus

We tried shutter speed with model is Elliot. We have to use tripod to make sure the camera did not shake when we took the photo. Lower shutter speed will give the result that the fast moving object will out focus and look like a ghost. While higher shutter speed makes fast moving object will be in focus.


On Friday We have destruction class which I had to bring clothe from thrift shop. I brought a blouse and started to cut the bottom (followed the video instruction). I used needles therefore this was not hard for me. I attached the ruffle to 2 hands and also at the front chest pocket. This was such an interesting work as I had chance to make the old shirt into something new and more appealing.

I tried different styling with this top.


Next section we chose the clothes on the table randomly in order to style them. Although the clothes weren’t my style and the colours didn’t match, my group came up with the result which was very fun and meticulous. We used safety pins to change the shape of the heavy skirt and layered a lot of shirt on top. The umbrella was also used as the accessories. This exercise helped me to think of different styling in different circumstances and take advantage of accessories/ safety pins to reform the clothes.

This is my draft styling


Here is our result.

This week I learned a lot both photography and styling. I also got to know new friends and shared our ideas with each others. The camera settings really helpful for my photoshoot I have to make in next few weeks especially the apeture and shutter speed.


First week of Photography and Styling class

In the first week, I was introduced to the course brief and gone through what I should do in the next few weeks and what I have to submit. It seems like a lot of things i have to do, however, I am excited at the same time because I want to create my own photoshoot.

I went to Photography workshop on Wednesday. It was quite hard to shoot in studio with flash, however, it was a good experience, it was the first time I try other camera and use the light attached on it.
On Friday, I brought a shirt which was given to me by my mother. I have to write a love letter to it which was quite difficult for me. I attached the letter here.

After that, my group had to create story with 3 items we have, which was really hard to write as our items didn’t related to each other. However, we still came up with the story about 3 items. We cloned it into human and let them talk to each other about their family.