Arduino- Flashing LED

Arduino week 1 : Flashing LEDS

I ordered a cheaper UNO board than the branded Arduino one called Elegoo UNO, this board is compatible to the Arduino IDE software. I found this components website to be a very useful overview of the Arduino system. It includes labelled diagrams which helped me to navigate it in the early stages.

At the start of the session we individually went to do some background research on Arduino. From their website I found there were a huge range of uses. Some of these include:

-a central heating control

-alarm system

-moving robots/to perform tasks

-LED controls

This was the first session using an Arduino. The code is called a sketch and is written using the software Arduino IDE. The software had many example sketches for anyone to use.  The first task was to make an LED flash. The LED was plugged into the ground pin and pin 13. When I first tried to run the sketch I got an error message. I found that this was due to the fact I had accidentally deleted a letter and a bracket when editing the sketch so it would not run. This showed me the importance of getting each word correct, as it has to be exact to work.

sketch notes

A video of my outcome:


The next stage was to place 3 LEDs into the board and make them flash. I copied and pasted parts from the previous sketch to do this.

3 LEDS flashing

3 Flashing LEDs

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