Week 8:
I chose to do the scanning assignment for this week. I started off by downloading the app Trnio , this app allows you to scan any object by taking photos going all around. I tried this and uploaded the photos. However, this creates a very large file which took a very long time upload (probably due to my home wifi connection).
This was the result (a hand gel) :
I then downloaded meshmixer to edit the scan. I decided the best way to navigate it was through trial and error, through this I was quickly able to learn what the key features did. The image below shows what the scan looked like when first opened using the meshmixer software. I then also double checked to see what I missed using this help guide The first thing I did was make the scan solid- edit>make solid.
The first issue I encountered was the orientation of the object. I found that you had to go to edit>align>use the arrows and dots to change which way the object was facing, also use the destination selection to choose the origin. I also used the transform option to rotate the object.
I found the select tool very useful (selected sections are in orange) to get rid of extra surface area which was not part of the object and for locating exact spaces where I wanted to smooth or sculpt.
It was quite a process getting the scan to be a solid object without all the surface imperfections but the difference between the image above and the image below this text shows some of what can be achieved through using the basic tools. There is still some way to go.
On the app there are 2 different ways of scanning in an object: the individual images or the mode which pinpoints spots on the objet to create a mesh. I tried using this second method to scan in a lamp however it only showed the long middle section instead of the whole object. It is possible that this didn’t work as the contrast between the background and the object was not significant enough so it did not pick up these parts.