Studies conducted on the implementation of a website by a restaurant for marketing purposes have demonstrated that a restaurant website has a very positive impact on brand attitude and purchase intention. (Wang et al, cited in Leib et al., 2017 )
Customers who research restaurant websites expect to see the location of the restaurant, the contact details, pictures of the restaurant, but in particular, the Menu (Leib et al., 2017). Nowadays, potential customers have the possibility of reviewing menus via the official website of a restaurant or through third party social networking sites such as TripAdvisor and Yelp (Namkung, cited in Leib at al., 2017).
Therefore, a website menu becomes fundamental for the acquisition of new customers. However, the simple presence of a menu is not enough, as its design plays a critical role in its effectiveness!
So, restaurant owners, are you interested in increasing your customer base?
If the answer is YES, let’s make it happen!
The following guide is going to help you to design a powerful website menu for your restaurant!
Top Tips
Display of prices: the first tip is to display the prices on your menu. In fact, Including the prices of your dishes in your menu is very important as it strongly influences the customers trust in the menu and in your restaurant.
In a survey conducted by Sosa et al., (2014) found that the 63.8% of consumers recognise the selling prices on the menu as an important characteristic, second only to taste!
Familiarity and recognizable patterns: in designing your web-based menu, make sure that the menu looks appealing as it is important for a more positive web experience for your customer. In particular, the use of familiar or recognisable patterns could also stimulate the customer to purchase your items (Leib et al., 2017).
Brand Consistency: studies have demonstrated that there is a strong relationship between attitude and purchase intentions. In the designing of a web menu, it is also important to reflect brand consistency as it could positively influence the purchase intentions of your customers (Leib et al., 2017).
Psychological Triggers: psychological triggers are commonly used in the sale sector. In the hospitality sector, in particular, in the designing of a menu, studies conducted in the neuromarketing field have demonstrated that there are some psychological triggers which could benefit the restaurant if used correctly. A common psychological trigger that you can use is the “Priceless price”. It has been demonstrated that when the price of the menu is shown without the currency sign and the cents, “8” instead of “£7.99”, gives the perception of being cheaper (Dooley, n.d).
Photos: in the menu you should also include some fancy photos of the dishes that you offer. In fact, according to Rapp, the presence of photos in the menu can increase the sales of the 30%.
However, do not exceed with the number of pictures as too many of them could lead to the perception of low quality food (Hullinger, 2016).
Utility: another important tip is to make the website functionable and easy to access all the different content on the website, including the menu. In fact, accessibility, functionality and usability have been recognised as important characteristics for an effective website (Stockdale and Borovicka, 2007).
Risks and remedies
Despite the benefits of having a web-based menu, it could be also harmful for the restaurant. Described below are a few possible risks and what to do in order to fix them.
Poor Design: Based on the tips provided above it seems to be clear that including a menu in your restaurant website will benefit your restaurant. However, you must ensure that it is well designed otherwise it may not be effective or it may even be harmful to your restaurants image!
Product availability: A possible risk of having a menu on your website is related to the availability of your products. In fact, the forgetfulness in removing a product that your restaurant no longer offers or the lack of availability of the ingredients to produce one of the products shown on the menu, can compromise the acquisition of a potential customer and also have an impact on the survey of your restaurant.
Therefore, if you make any changes on your menu it is recommended to update it regularly! In addition, in case you cannot provide a specific dish for the unavailability of ingredients it is recommended to highlight it the “news” of your website!
In conclusion, if you pay attention to the design of your web-based menu and update it regurarly, it will for sure benefit you and your restaurant!
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