How to choose the right digital influencer for you brand and the potential risks of this strategy

                                                                                                                                                              OSG (2017) The development of the internet has allowed the creation of many marketing tools that have allowed brands to acquire customers and communicate with them without specific geographical limits. In particular, the growth of social media platforms has allowed online users to share…

Top Tips To Design A Powerful Web-based Restaurant Menu

                                                                                                                      Design, u. (2017) Studies conducted on the implementation of a website by a restaurant for marketing purposes have demonstrated that a restaurant website has a very positive impact on brand attitude and purchase intention. (Wang et al, cited in Leib et al., 2017 ) Customers…



Gucci and its effective website

Abstract This article is going to analyse the effectivness of the Gucci’s website utilising the AIPD diagram and looking at the online consumer’s hierarchy of needs. Introduction Gucci is a well known italian luxury fashion brand and referring to Forbes, Gucci is ranked the 38th…

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