Monthly Archives | April 2021

How has Drag Race provided a Counterpublic?

How has Drag Race provided a Counterpublic?   Drag Race is a show that showcases gay drag queens, whose history has been complicated and the LGBTQ+ community still fight to this day for the same liberties and respect that all humans deserve. The public sphere is largely exclusionary towards people who do not identify as […]

Drag Race and Becoming a Prosumer Commodity

Drag Race and Becoming a Prosumer Commodity   Drag Race fans communicate through humour and in particular create and share memes surrounding the narratives that exist through the TV show. Memes commonly provide commentary on the show, observational comedy and relating real life to drag queens reactions on the show. Here are some examples: These […]

Drag Race and the Emergence of ‘Echo Chambers’ on Social Media

Drag Race and the Emergence of ‘Echo Chambers’ on Social Media Drag Race has become influential in pop culture, has increased LGBTQ+ awareness, and has provided a more accurate representation for the community. I use Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to engage with the online community of fans, look at memes and keep up to date […]

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