Zisis Kardianos is a street photographer and a documentary photographer and has been since 1985. Being a street and documentary photographer he take pictures to create a sense of place. Again, the photographs that I am focusing on are in black and white. I think that when the images are black and white they look more authentic and homely. I think that the black and white images really help to define a sense of place. Kardianos images are quite simplistic but I think this makes the images look quite powerful. I love the use of light and shadow in all the images because it helps the overall composition. These are all images of places – a sense of place. The lighting used is natural lighting and I think that the use of natural lighting makes the images look natural and quite effortless. These images presented will inspire me when I take my own images because a sense of place to me is where I grew up and specifically places, scenery.

http://www.zisiskardianos.com/a-sense-of place/f96skpuzgrxtr888amiuucler13pr1

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