Exploring CG and Live Action Integration

Within Blender, we explored CG and Live Action Integration. The first step is to import and track the desired clip, we want a minimum of 8 tracks with a desired amount of 25 covering the floor and walls, we specifically focused on the left-hand side as that is where the assets were going to be placed as the left side had people walking through, However, it is possible to mask them out. We then had to append and align GEO’s using an imported 3D scan. Node’s were also used during this project twice, once when wrapping the texture onto the 3D scan and once when colour correcting the shadow’s to match the shadows in the original video, finally I was able to edit the ‘look’ of the final project using Adobe After Effects to add grain, motion blur, and a vignette filter, I also added the SL Gold Rush HDR filter using lumetri colour to add a sci-fi look to the final render although upon reflection I would’ve toned it down a lot more as the blue hue stands out more on the buildings than the overall composition. This technique could be used to add monsters in future projects. 

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