Start of Level 5 : Work Play Work

The work play work project was a great way to start the year as it focused on working in a way that I wouldn’t usually. I often over think my art work, constantly worrying about the end result. With this project I tried to work as freely as possible, using impulsive ideas.A good way of practicing this was we were given random words and had to then draw the first thing that came into our minds.

The words for this drawing were ‘Giant Machine’. My mind instantly linked machine to something negative, which lead to this image of a giant robot destroying a city.
This page was made up of two word combinations, the first was ‘jump park’ , where I imagined a play park that can only be accessed by jumping on a trampoline. The second was ‘blinking face’ where I drew 3 faces ‘blinking’ and one face creepily staring.
Orlando was one of the 12 texts we were given to use as inspiration for the work play work project. While I did end up using a different text, I did find this one particularly interesting, as it gave me the opportunity to look at gender as a construct, instead of something I’d usually have to decide upon when creating a character.
This mixed media collage represents the two sides of Orlando, one being the traditional female side, and the other the male side. The idea is that he is somewhere in between Once again this was done very quickly without a lot of thought, but I’m actually very happy with the collage aspects, a media I don’t have a lot of experience in.

One thing i found from doing these exercises, is I can’t really explain exactly why I drew these images, because I had no time to think about it, if I had I think the outcome would have been very different

The rest of the images on this page are inspired by my chosen text, ‘the giant turnip’ (also displayed on this page)
I’ve really tried to stick to the brief and not focus on making things look perfect. Instead I have worked purely off my initial thoughts and ideas. The closest I’ve come to a ‘finished’ image, would be this one above, which visualises exactly what happens in the story.

Quick visualisation also inspired by Orlando text.

The giant turnip is the text I ultimately settled on for this project. I chose this text because I think it reflects what I enjoy to draw and my general style. It has a clear storyline which focuses around the characters. I love character design and telling stories through my artwork. These characters are made up both people and animals, which again are my favourite things to draw as I can focus on expression and different personalities. My preferred style can definitely be described as minimal and I think this short story fits that very well.

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