My stop motion film

Please click below to watch my final stop motion movie. (unfortunately the quality may be effected by blog)






Over all I am very happy with the final result. I believe it incorporates methods used by film makers discussed in my research while remaining an independent interpretation. I think using a black and white filter definitely emphasises the dark atmosphere that I’ve been seeking from the start of the project. The music, (exploration, written by Bruno Coulais, from the film Coraline directed by Tim Burton), matches the tone of the film very well. The song is written in complete gibberish and in my opinion is cheerful yet also strangely eerie at the same time.

As for the story line, I believe it is up for interpretation. Just from talking to people who I have shown the film to, some seem to view the turnip as male and the mouse as female, while others view them as a same sex couple or 2 lovers with no gender what so ever. Another interpretation is that it is a friendship rather than a romantic relationship. When it comes to the ending of the film, I initially created it to communicate that these are indeed 2 lovers that every day are continuously separated, and every day the turnip makes the same journey to reach the mouse, but continues to get thrown in the bin. This could be a metaphor for a number of things but again I prefer to leave it open to interpretation…

I think if I were to do a similar project again, I would do more planning when it came to the puppets before I started filming. I would have saved a lot of time had I realised my original puppets and set weren’t going to work, although having said that it was that failed attempt that lead to have a more successful second attempt.

I also wanted to include the colour version of the film, both to show an alternative route, and also to present how much the black and white filter effect the final outcome.



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