Animation 4

My forth animation is actually the first animation I completed in full. It was done before I had come up with a true concept for what I wanted to do for this project and I almost ended up not using it all when I came up with my other idea.
Once I had practiced some very short, incomplete animations using Procreate, I wanted to challenge myself a bit more and create a full sequence. Unlike the others, this video does not have the trigger image within it, every element of every frame has been redrawn each time.  Because of this, this animation took a VERY long time, which is why I didn’t get to add a lot of detail or colour, as this would’ve taken up even more time, when I was supposed to be making other animations.

it was this experimentation that lead to me to chance my technique to something less time consuming, which lead to me keeping the still trigger image in the animation and simply copy and pasting it, shrinking it, and then moving it around a scene.

Nevertheless I am glad I did this, as it let me practice the skills I then went on to use. And even though it isn’t really linked to the another animations in any way other than being based from the same story, I wanted to include as part of the 4 finals because of the time I took to do it and how happy I am with the final outcome considering it was my first ever completed animation sequence.

please click below to view animation:


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