These images are from the book of the devil work shop where we had to illustrate the devil in different ways. On this particular day I was travelling so only had access to Procreate but still tried to use materials in different ways. Kokology piece start- This workshop was called kokology, and it consisted of picking options from a number of categories. For example we had to choose a type of landscape (I chose mountain range), an animal ( I chose wolf), and a type of weather ( I chose snow) . Plus many more. We also had to add a cube and a ladder into the piece. At the end we found out that the decisions we made for each category said something about our personality, which I thought was really interesting. Devil 3 Kokology piece end Kokology piece middle Devil 4 Devil 5 These very quick illustrations are from the workshop called Visual metaphor. We looked at different metaphorical phrases and we had to put them into an image. This one for example is “bitten off more than you can chew” “ you are what you eat” 30 mins I can’t quite remember what the saying was for this illustration but I still think it’s funny 🙂 “You are what you eat” 2 mins Emma Stibbon Monday workshops- these workshops looked into different elements and explored a multitude of mediums Cheese plant painting using coffee Pen to add extra detail Water colour skyline practice Sunset piece
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