Lauren McArthur

Where are we now?

With a break coming up I want to reflect on some of he things I’ve done so far. Gathering all my ideas and see what’s working and what isn’t. To decide where my project is going to go and plan ahead. Key ideas in this project are working with the museum collections. I’ve most enjoyed…

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after seeing how effective the faux photograms looked it got me thinking about other light photo prints. A cyanotype is a process similar to the process of a photogram but the paper has a longer exposure time and works with the sun. The sun is a important part of our planet but with heat levels…

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Faux photograms

Using photoshop I inverted and adjusted the levels to create some photogram looking images from the scanned images that I made before. I think the look pretty effective in there detail and tone despite being greyscale. The thin lines from the drawings are sharp and translate well.

Physical Collage

Cutting out images of parts of the Booth museums collection using a craft knife to create a detailed silhouettes. Along with some plant matter and  some drawings of plants. I then layered them in different ways and scanned them in to create new images. I have real enjoyed the idea of making physical work which…

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Insect Tiles

With help from a printmaking student I printed my etchings using an oil based ink. By inking up the etching and applying pressure onto paper with a roller. The cardboard is a more pro-recycling and involves less plastic overall being better for the environment. I left the edges kind of rough to add texture to…

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Insect Etchings

Felling like I’ve neglected a huge size of the Booth museums collection, the insects. Being one of the largest entomological collections outside of the national collection. Including butterflies from around the world. There are also several hundred thousand specimens of British butterflies, moths, beetles, bees, wasps and other insects and arthropods. In addition to pinned…

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My Collages

Collecting images from taxidermy books (‘The art of taxidermy by Jane Eastone’,’Taxidermy by Alexis Turner’ , The breathless zoo by Rachel Poliquin’) Along with a range of magazines and stuff I had in my house I gathered lots of images which then I paired together to get a concept for a collage and filling in…

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Climate change and the Anthropocene.

We are living in a time referred to as the Anthropocene, derived from the Greek term for human (‘anthropo’) and the word for new (‘cene’).  Coined in the 1980s but became a wider used term after the 2000s when chemist Paul J Crutzen and diatom researcher Eugene F Stoermer. The pair suggested that we are…

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Victorian Diorama’s

Taxidermists such as Walter Potter in Victorian times created unusual dioramas , referring back to my proposal with  a models with cats having tea parties. These fun an whimsical dioramas is something id like to imbody in my work. moving forward with the digital collages I did before I want to continue using this method…

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Dioramas are a three-dimensional full-size or a miniature model, often in the case of taxidermy enclosed in a glass  showcase for a museum. Edward Booth was a pioneer in taxidermy dioramas. Displaying the animals in a environment similar to the ones the use to live in, with the Booth museum having walls of stacked cases…

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