Lauren McArthur


Aloi, Giovanni. Speculative Taxidermy : Natural History, Animal Surfaces, and Art in the Anthropocene. New York, Columbia University Press, 2018, Anat Pick. Creaturely Poetics : Animality and Vulnerability in Literature and Film. New York, Columbia University Press, 2011, Digby, John, and Joan Digby. The Collage Handbook. London, Thames & Hudson, 1987. Eastoe, Jane….

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The Booth Museum presentation

Bug on Display

For display purposes I really want to have them in bell jars. The bell jars are typical of what you would see in a Victorian parlour on or a museum, I feel displaying them like this links in to more of the booth museums style. It allows them to have an enclosed environment creating a…

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The Final Result

Adding to the diorama feel I took some photos off my pieces in a micro environment, adding some moss, bark and sticks. To have a more of a life like feel.

Found bug

On a walk around Brighton I found this dead bug on the floor its got a a iridescent shell that looks beautiful, I decided to pin its wings out to have more of a look that it would have in a glass case. I pinned the wings out in a position that I liked and…

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The Making Process | Butterfly

The Butterfly was the easiest one to make a wire body with beads and a tracing paper painted wings together.

The Making Process | Beetle

Following the process of making the beetle. I started by making a clay body and painting it black. putting a iridescent power on it. Adding a head wings and legs. The first head I used did not look right it was to round for the rectangle body. I made another head out of clay which…

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The Making Process | Spider

following the images you can see the process of making the spider. I started with the body with two much larger beads and joined them with wire. in the gap in-between wire wrapped around to create legs. filling the wire with beads following a similar pattern to Bourgeois  spiders legs.

Final piece plan

To conclude the placement I’m making one final piece of art. I want to make my own tiny dioramas with man made insects inside. I want to make about 3 different insects out of materials such as beads, wire and clay. Inspired by the bug that I found I want to use a similar colour…

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Bugs in Art

Before developing ideas for what I want my overall summary to this placement to be I want to explore how other artists have used insects and bugs in art.  Starting with Louise Bourgeois who is well known for a large spider like sculptures. Spider is a giant sculpture of an arachnid that stands with all 8…

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