Lauren McArthur

West Pier

The Pier opened by Mayor Henry Martin in 1866. It Cost £27,000. 1115 ft long with two square kiosks at entrance; two octagonal kiosks with marinets at centre; four octagonal kiosks at corners of pier head platform. Also on platform: windshields and rotunda screen. Lamp columns decorated with entwined serpents placed around perimeter and lit…

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British Airways i360

The i360 is directly opposite the old west pier ruins. its been called the vertical pier. A pier is seen as a place of freedom and fun. we go on piers to exit the land and go deeper into the ocean, its our way of commanding the sea as part of our land. The vertical…

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British Airways i360 is a 162 m tall viewing tower for all of Brighton and Hove which has become a large tourist attraction. Tourists are increasingly interested in the landscape, history and culture of an area. British Airways i360 helps promote tourism in a totally responsible and sustainable way, maintaining Brighton & Hove’s historic identity…

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BAi360- Sketchbook

The tower opened on 4 August 2016, a viewing pod designed by the same architects as the London eye, David Marks and Julia Barfield. “It seems people enjoy vantage points that provide unique views, fresh aspects, new horizons, not least from above. Indeed, it seems a universal desire to see the earth and its cities…

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British Airways i360

Its a really beautiful building when looking up at it. My favourite part is its mirrored floor witch allows people bellow to see the moving world go by in its reflection. It has quite a sleek shape that is not often seen on your average building.

British Airways i360

The British Airways i360 stands tall in the centre of the area of my map. it is not easy missed with its tall staff coming out of a elegant glass building. This piece of architecture is a viewing tower to look over Brighton.

Visiting the area

I took a stroll around the area and took images of the main landmarks as well as other things that inspired me.

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