Lauren McArthur


The area I’m working with is near the border between Brighton and Hove near the sea front. Kings road runs through the centre of it, on one side of Kings road is recency square. A small park surrounded by terraced houses. On the other side of the road is the sea front. The i360, upside…

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Projection Experience

In December of 2019 I went to a exhibition in Paris. Van Gogh, Starry Night Created by Gianfranco Iannuzzi – Renato Gatto – Massimiliano Siccardi – with the musical collaboration of Luca Longobardi. Large moving projections of Van Gogh’s work where projected on the walls and floor creating a full immersive experience along with music…

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Piotr Ostrowski

Piotr Ostrowski created this installation inspired by braincells. I was really intrigued by how the work is presented through projection and giant slides. I like the idea of being able to see though or stand in front of work and become part of the work yourself the work becomes encompassing creating an experience.


Many tourist attractions label themselves as experiences, upside down house and the i360 use these words on there websites. To tie in art and tourists I would like to make an art experience. An artist that I like creates art that is an experience is Olafur Eliasson. The weather project 2003 was a site specific…

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West Pier Archive

Photos from the west pier archive of photos showing the west pier in its full glory but also in its destruction. In ways I have never seen before researching into it.

Recency Square

Regency Square contains some of the finest examples architecture in Brighton. Built between 1818 and 1828 on a site known as Belle Vue Field, it is assumed to be the work of Amon Wilds and his son, Amon Henry Wilds, and was financed by Joshua Flesher Hanson as a speculative venture. Designed in traditional town…

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Upside Down House

The upside down house is a unique tourist attraction that allows an experience from when you enter. I really like the  idea of creating an art piece that is an experience. Stepping in to something that you are so amerced in you forget what the outside world is really like.

Two arson attacks in 2003 caused the concert hall to partial collapse. HLF withdraws its funding for the restoration project and the pier was stripped to its bones. I find it really interesting that to me the pier has always looked to derelict even though it did burn down in my life time. Its hard…

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West Pier

Due to a series of storms the pier became damaged and slowly started to decay and eventually closed to the public in 1975.

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