Lauren McArthur

Small Scale Project

Building up to the degree show we have been set a project that is preparing us. To create a piece of work a 10th of the scale. Allowing us to either use this time to create a piece of work that we could not usually create that would normally be very large scale. Or we…

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Midsommar -2019

I’ve looked at black and white films now I want to see if I’m missing anything with colour films. Predominately the films made today and the films I watch the most are colour. Midsommar was suggested in a session because it is not only a great film but one of the lightest horrors to be…

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Psycho -1950

  Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho is one of the most famous black and white horrors directors. After a women steals money from her job she goes on the run finding the Bates Motel to spend the night. After a welcome arrival from Norman, Mother kills her why she is the shower Marion’s friends and family investigate…

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Film stills

Unsure of what my next piece of work will be I’ve decided to go back to what I started my ideas before and watch some films to create film stills. to have more of a focus to my work I will be watching only black and white horrors. I’m going to start by just taking…

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The Male Gaze and Violence Against Women in regards to Horror

Traditional cinema places the spectator is from masculine viewing position. A male gaze that forces female characters to maintain passive roles as the objects of desire. With horror the women are often victims with violence inflicted upon them as punishment from their male spectators predominately after sexual acts, this also being carried through partially  in…

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Interim presentation and exhibition

THE OBSERVER Scopophilia (Peeping Tom) – Hidden in the darkness, he watches a lone women. Two sets of six images both with voyeuristic views of murder, inspired by early slasher films. The first set being the premeditated leading to the murder. The second set showing the aftermath with blood spatter patterns revealing the violent crimes….

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