Lauren McArthur

Midsommar -2019

I’ve looked at black and white films now I want to see if I’m missing anything with colour films. Predominately the films made today and the films I watch the most are colour. Midsommar was suggested in a session because it is not only a great film but one of the lightest horrors to be filmed. Set in Sweden in the summer months where the sun only sets for a few hours a day. a setting in which you would think is perfectly safe but as the film goes on the the communities traditions grow to be more morbid. As the movie progress and it continues with its light and flowery look. The movie mood changes very suddenly as the tension rises, what I particularly liked was the use of sound and often lack of sound in the moments that were the most  horror like.

The film does a great job of making you feel safe through the colour and atmosphere and then the music shows that something bad is about the happen, however with a main character that mental state is always to up and down your unsure whether her anxiety is justified until the events unfold. After seeing this I think I will stick to the darker and eerie lighting but like the imagery that is before the chaos similar to some of the stills from the pervious films.

Lauren Mcarthur • May 17, 2022

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