Lauren McArthur


The area I’m working with is near the border between Brighton and Hove near the sea front. Kings road runs through the centre of it, on one side of Kings road is recency square. A small park surrounded by terraced houses. On the other side of the road is the sea front. The i360, upside down house and other tourist attractions. Along with the pebbled beach that looks upon the old ruins of the west pier. its actually one of my favourite places by the beach, I often enjoy a walk on this area of the seafront.

The Location 

recency square i360 west pier photo i360

working from the area I picked on the main landmarks and started to work from them. Learning about the history and sketching from these areas. I became very fascinated with the west pier and its history. Although the pier burnt down and became its skeletal form in my life time I have never known it in any other way than ruins.  Using the west pier trust archive of images I could see old images of the pier in all arrays of its life. The area is often flooded with many tourists so I wanted to create something that they would also go to. The main paying tourist places in this area are the BAi360 and the upside down house, you books these as experiences. which got me thinking about art experiences. Creating an immersive art piece that becomes an experience. Weather Project

I looked at a few artists and exhibitions to get some ideas flowing on how I could create my own experience. Olafur Eliasson’s The weather project 2003 was a site specific project in the turbine hall at the Tate modern. having an experience of a sunset inside with a giant glowing circle made with lights and mirrors as well as a mist through out. Piotr Ostrowski created an installation inspired by braincells, which used large slides and projections allowing people to walk in front of and see through the work. The Van Gogh exhibition of starry night was a full room covered in projects from the wall to ceiling along with music directed by Luca Longobardi. From looking at this range of different pieces of work I have collected some ideas for what I would want for my own art experience. An experience in art terms for me is about being able to use all of your senses not just sight.

In my research I learnt so much about the west pier, which I want to share. I did not know about the west pier before it became ruins, Using the west pier trust archive and my own images I want to create a arty time capsule experience. To be able to step into something that will show all the stages of the west pier. Creating an immersive experience through projecting images, the sound of the sea and the smell of salty water encapsulated in a small building type gallery just outside of the west pier trust centre. google image of wests pier centre

The red square on the map would be the location the pop up gallery would be. My inspiration for the look of the outside of the gallery is driven from the reflective bottom of the i360, allowing you to watch more of Brighton go by. It could also be a good place to take photos, similar to the upside down house attracting more tourists who are then intrigued to see what’s inside. It would look something like Monica Bonvicini glass toilet that has mirrored glass.

mirrored toielt

This out of place mirrored box will contain the exhibition showing the west pier. On the inside will be the west pier experience. I’ve made some edited pictures to help understand what it will look like on the inside.

example of piece example of piece example of piece example of piece

From these images you can see that it would be a dark room with a slight blue tint due to the lights, I want the subtle sound of the waves to be played through the speakers with a Seagal squawk every now and again. Along with this I would also like a light mist of salt water, not enough to create a damp feeling but just to get the smell in the air. The images are from a mixture of videos west pier trust archives and some of my own image. Overall creating a experience that also  you can learn from. Its perfect for tourism and suitable for all ages.


(Barfield)  Barfield, Mark. “Brighton I360 – Marksbarfield.Com.” Marks Barfield Architect, Accessed 19 Oct. 2020.

Elborough, Travis. “I in the Sky: I360 by Marks Barfield – DesignCurial.” Www.Designcurial.Com, 2016, Accessed 19 Oct. 2020.

“Chronology of the West Pier.” West Pier Trust, Accessed 19 Oct. 2020.

“A Potted History.” My Brighton and Hove, Accessed 20 oct 2020.

“Galleries.” West Pier Trust, Accessed 21 Oct. 2020.

“The Weather Project • Exhibition • Studio Olafur Eliasson.” Olafureliasson.Net, 2020,

 “Art’s Glass Toilet Tests Courage.” News.Bbc.Co.Uk, 3 Dec. 2003, Accessed 27 Nov. 2020.

Lauren Mcarthur • November 1, 2020

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