Lauren McArthur

Where are we now?

With a break coming up I want to reflect on some of he things I’ve done so far. Gathering all my ideas and see what’s working and what isn’t. To decide where my project is going to go and plan ahead. Key ideas in this project are working with the museum collections. I’ve most enjoyed creating studies from the insect collections and will be continuing down this path. the insect collection is in the middle of the museum where the school interactive centre is. turning some of these tabled areas into display places for my work could be a great place for my work. Knowing the area will allow me to tailor my work the the place it will be displayed. Moving on from now I want to start making much more physical 3D work making my own versions of dioramas. I’ve looked into getting my own insects, but after looking at  the ethics extra of sourcing taxidermy, I only found butterflies that I could find and I can’t guarantee they are ethically sourced. Which led me to the idea of making my insects and butterfly’s out of other materials a sort of faux taxidermy style that has the whimsical look of Victorian fun taxidermy but it not actually made out of animals. To sort of sum up my year I want create these bugs out of the main things I’ve been using in the side projects.

Lauren Mcarthur • April 20, 2021

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