Physical Collage
Cutting out images of parts of the Booth museums collection using a craft knife to create a detailed silhouettes. Along with some plant matter and some drawings of plants. I then layered them in different ways and scanned them in to create new images. I have real enjoyed the idea of making physical work which has got me really into the idea of process of making something. being away from the studio and not having access to equipment has really made me miss making and feel attached to the idea of the process and what the process means to the actually making to the work. The individual pieces that I have made would make really effective photograms. Photograms being a darkroom technique were you expose light sensitive paper to light with objects on. Where the light can penetrate the paper turns black, leaving an inverted silhouette. A darkroom being a specialist room, I do not have access to one due to the pandemic. Although I have been straying away from using digital editing, in this instance it allowing me to get the images I want when I don’t have access to the process.