Lauren McArthur

My Collages

Collecting images from taxidermy books (‘The art of taxidermy by Jane Eastone’,’Taxidermy by Alexis Turner’ , The breathless zoo by Rachel Poliquin’) Along with a range of magazines and stuff I had in my house I gathered lots of images which then I paired together to get a concept for a collage and filling in the gaps with colour or images from the internet.

These pieces were very well received by my peers. Some things we discussed was that the colour pallet was very striking and made the pieces cohesive. Some of the negative aspects we talked about is how you can lose the element of taxidermy in photographs, without the context of the stand the animal is on or the case it is in it can just look like another animal. But then again a good piece of taxidermy is a life like animal. This got me thinking about when I first visited the Booth museum I was very interested in the cases that has life like looking animals next to dead ones, stuffing something to appear dead instead of alive. Its quite the opposite of the purpose of taxidermy. Looking into the ideas of death and the visuals of it could be something interesting.


Lauren Mcarthur • March 17, 2021

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