Lauren McArthur


Dioramas are a three-dimensional full-size or a miniature model, often in the case of taxidermy enclosed in a glassĀ  showcase for a museum. Edward Booth was a pioneer in taxidermy dioramas. Displaying the animals in a environment similar to the ones the use to live in, with the Booth museum having walls of stacked cases of animals in natural looking environment. Many of these cases have not been changed since they were made, which got me thinking about how many of those animals don’t live in those environments anymore. Revisiting the idea I initial looked at on the one day group residency. Local wildlife in a more realistic local environment.

Some quick photoshops to explore this idea of taxidermy in modern environments. Over summer with lockdown’s being lifted it led to lots of people being out and about all at once. Brighton in particular being an attraction for the beach as a sea side side town. With people being use to being inside they forgot the importance of not littering, along with bins being overwhelmed with rubbish leading to litter all over Brighton which affects the wildlife. Both animals on the pictures are taxidermy, the seagull being from a diorama at the Booth museum but I struggled to find images that I could use, making it hard to have a very cohesive piece which is something I’m going to have to find a solutions for.

Lauren Mcarthur • March 13, 2021

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