I did a self portrait today!

I hadn’t intended this piece of work to be a self portrait, I started it off trying to make a piece of abstract work but suddenly I just started adding my face in and I was really pleased with the way it turned out.

I really like actually the way it came out and depicted the confusion that I wanted to, because actually I feel as though it is a happy medium between the muddy images I had in my head, and the colourful brighter style that I usually work in. It just felt like a really natural piece and I feel quite proud of myself for pushing myself to do this as it was kind of scary because I didn’t know how it would turn out because I’m used to planning and feeling more secure in what I’m making.

I really like the mixing and messiness and I suppose frustration that was depicted within the bottom of the image. I like the way the colours merged to depict that confusion and uncertainty, in contrast with the face which is a little more structured and considered as I feel that that symbolises the face I show to the world. I feel like I present myself as someone who is super positive and happy with who I am, however under the surface I know that there is a lot of confusion and sadness as well which I showed below the face.

I definitely think that this self portrait is a good start but that there is a lot of progress that can be made. I feel like there are definitely a lot of elements that could be improved upon and that I can experiment with further. I am excited to try another one and see where I get to by pushing myself to experiment further.