My name is Mrs Hartley
I designed this website to encourage you all to think about the
actions you take, and the decisions you make online.
How they may impact on your life today and in the future
Your Teenage Brain is Amazing!
It’s still growing and won’t stop until you are in your twenties
Did you know the last part of the brain to develop is the frontal cortex,
the part that deals with regulation and reasoning
…………… in other words
Your Amazing Teenage Brain is still learning that actions
have consequences to actions and is the reason…..
Teenagers and adults view life very differently
Teenagers do dangerous stuff, Make impulsive decisions.
Have you ever wondered?
How your heart can be broken one day and the next you’re in love again
Why life seems like a rollercoaster that takes your emotions along for
the ride?
Don’t take it Personally,
Blame your frontal cortex!
I hope that this website will help you consider consequences to your
actions so you Think before you act.
If things do go wrong, I have listed organisations that can give help and
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