Posts Tagged ‘Group Reflection’

Reflection of G1s’ Collaboration

“Great things in business are never done by one person. They are done by a team of people.” (Jobs, 2011).

Assign individual roles for group work - Building Capacity Resource

Our assignment consisted of analysing the digital marketing of a growing company. Collectively, we decided on the ladies gym clothing brand, Women’s Best, because it is an upcoming company that has gained the attention of many women. So by continuing to read this post, you will understand the skills, tasks and challenges we as a group have tackled and accomplished.

Skills Acquired:


Our team started by building the foundations of the presentation by allocating group member tasks. These were based off each of the participants’ strengths which not only gave rise to high standard work, but each member gained value by consolidating the understanding of their research. To further our organisational skills, we enforced dates for our individual tasks to be completed by as well as a deadline for the finalisation of the whole presentation. This made completing the presentation more manageable along with creating intrinsic motivation due to the set goals formed.


WhatsApp Messenger App Gets Read Receipts | App logo, Messaging app, Social appCommunication is key in group work, which is why our group made sure to use a variety of digital channels to deliver important messages. The channels we used included: Email, Microsoft Teams, and WhatsApp as these were the most accessible and popular platforms used in our daily lives.


The research part of this assignment was the most challenging due to the lack of available resources of our chosen company. This is partially because Women’s Best began in 2015, (Women’s Best, 2021) which means it is fairly new and has not competed in the market long enough for us to collect much data on it. Therefore, our research was based around interviews with the companies’ founders and on digital marketing theories which was beneficial because it assessed our knowledge and understanding of the module. In addition, the groups’ research skills were portrayed in the ‘reference’ slides at the end of the presentation. This allowed us to demonstrate our Harvard Referencing skills, concluding the presentation in a sophisticated manner.


Why Are Presentation Skills Important?

The final skill our group attained, was the presentational skill. Despite not having to present the presentation live, we were still required to record our voices as if were presenting to an audience. This consisted of clear and concise explanations due to a time restriction for the presentation. An additional challenge we were faced with, was to provide solutions and improvements for the brand based off our research. This encouraged us to think outside the box and boosted our confidence of the theory and our research.

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” (Ford, 1981).

With this in mind, our group can adapt the way we work in order to achieve better results. To improve the efficiency of the work, our team should communicate more frequently, i.e. three times a week. We could also allocate roles for each member such as leader, timekeeper, etc, to be more organised.

To read further on teamwork skills, please click:




Ford, H., Albion, M. and Segal, H. (2013) The quotable Henry Ford. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

Jobs, S. and Beahm, G. (2011) I, Steve. Chicago, Ill.: Agate Books. 2021. Women’s Best. [online] [Accessed 3 February 2021].